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FAQ about dam ownership & liability
Board & Committees
Governing Documents & Forms
Newsletters, Reports, & Minutes
For Realtors, Buyers, and Sellers
The Thurgood Marshall Fund
For Residents
Dam Ownership
Environmental Quality
Community Maps
Make a Payment for Dues, Boat Fees & Tags
Pedestrian Safety
Lake Barcroft Watershed Improvement District
Register for Swimming Lessons at Lake Barcroft
User account
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(active tab)
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Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores.
E-mail address
A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.
Last Name
First Name
Do not list in Directory
Village Member
Publish (Opt-in) Children Names & Birthdates in member directory
Home Phone
Home Phone 2
Do not show Home Phone In Directory
Mobile Phone
Do not show Mobile Number in Directory
Work Phone
Work Phone 2
Volunteer Interests
Neighborhood Watch
Earth Day
Ice Cream Social
Labor Day Games
Geese Peace
Beach Clean-Up
Fourth of July Fireworks
Special Events
There are many other ways to volunteer such as maintenance, weeding gardens, cleanups, and communications
Weather Emergency Neighbor Network
Neighbor Checker - During weather emergencies, volunteers are willing to:
Call or email a neighbor as requested
Visit a neighbor as requested
Communicate with an out-of-town family member concerning a neighbor as pre-arranged
Generator Owner
During power outages, volunteers are willing to refrigerate labeled medication and/or charge vital electronics for neighbors
During power outages, volunteers are willing to refrigerate labeled medication and/or charge vital electronics for neighbors as requested
4 Wheel Drive Owner - In a snow emergency, volunteers are willing to consider:
Transporting a neighbor to a vital (non-emergency) medical appointment
Performing essential errands for a neighbor
Other Clubs, Groups and Events
Newcomers Club
LB Woman's Club
Sand Day (organized by kids)
Lake Barcroft Village
Artists League
Gay & Lesbians of Barcroft
Smaller groups in the community that may interest you such as kayaking group, biking group, photography, etc.
Weight for row 1
To look up your lot number, please reference the first page on your HOA booklet, or contact the Lake Barcroft Association manager.
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